The Oxygenator Assessment – Part 2
In Part 1 of ‘The Oxygenator Assessment’ we learnt what the oxygentor is. In Part 2 we are going to look at the 6 big issues that need to...

Sodium Nitrate toxicity
CLINICAL CASE A phone call is recieved from a high school in the ambulance coordination center, the caller tels the coordinator that one...

AV Block With Changing PR Intervals
Just like other subjects we are taught in school, ECG interpretation is usually taught in a very basic, simplistic way. As we add to our...

The Basics of ECG Interpretation (Part 3 – Waves, Segments & Intervals)
Waves As the ECG trace is recorded there are a series of upwards and downwards deflections created that represent atrial and ventricular...

Zika Virus: More Than Just Microcephaly CME / CE
CLINICAL CONTEXT The Zika virus continues to be a threat, especially with new cases related to infection acquired within the United...

Upper Limb Nerve Lesions (Part 4 – The Ulnar Nerve)
In Part 3 of our ‘Upper Limb Nerve Lesions’ series we learnt about the median nerve and the most commonly occurring lesions associated...

Acute Anterior-lateral M.I. With Right Bundle Branch Block and Left Posterior Fascicular Block
This ECG was obtained from a patient who suffered an occlusion of the left main coronary artery. ST elevation is seen in Leads V1...

Stress and Burnout
Stress is endemic at the moment – the NHS is widely known as being a very difficult environment to work in, and doctors seem to be either...

Inferior-lateral M.I. With QRS Fragmentation
SUBTLE ST CHANGES This ECG was obtained from an 87-year-old man who was experiencing chest pain. Due to the subtle ST elevation in...

The Basics of ECG Interpretation (Part 2 – Rate, Rhythm and Axis)
The ECG Tracing In Part 1 of ‘The Basics of ECG Interpretation’ we learnt that the ECG is simple diagnostic test that records the...