Cyanide Toxicity
Practice Essentials Cyanide toxicity is generally considered to be a rare form of poisoning. However, cyanide exposure occurs relatively...
Aspirin overdose
#pemergencymedicine #practicalemergencymedicine #elearning #Aspirinoverdose #emergencymedicine #izaskuntfpractical
Causes of abdominal pain by area
#practicalemergencymedicine #abdominalpain #elearning #medicine #emergencymedicine #urgentmedicalcare #diagnosis
Análisis biométrico del movimiento cervical y toracolumbar en el trasporte del paciente politraumati
Autor e-mergencista novel Análisis biométrico del movimiento cervical y toracolumbar durante el transporte simulado de trauma por...
#emergencymedicine #Diabetes #urgentmedicalcare #emergency #practicalemergencymedicine #diagnosis
Antibiotic Sensitivity Overview
#practicalemergenccymedicine #emergencymedicine #medicine #antibiotic #overview #izaskuntfpractical
ECG Challenge: Cardiac Arrest In A 41-Year-Old Woman
This series of two ECGs was obtained from a 41-year-old woman who was brought to the Emergency Department and subsequently suffered...
ECG Basics: Accelerated Junctional Rhythm Overriding Normal Sinus Rhythm
This strip shows a junctional rhythm at a rate of 110 beats per minute. The QRS complexes are slightly wide at .10 seconds (100 ms), and...
Instructor Collection ECG: Simultaneous Occlusions in LAD and Diagonal
This ECG was obtained from a 35-year-old man who was complaining of crushing substernal chest pain which radiated down his left arm for...
Pregnancy Trauma
Background The pregnant trauma patient presents a unique challenge because care must be provided for two patients—the mother and the...