Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): Bradycardia
1. Initial evaluation is as follows: [1, 2, 3, 4] Assess appropriateness for clinical condition (pulse present and unstable). Heart rate...
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS): Bradycardia
PALS: Bradycardia 1. The initial evaluation is as follows: [1, 2, 3, 4] Assess appropriateness for clinical condition (pulse present and...
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS): Tachycardia With Pulse
PALS: Tachycardia 1. The initial evaluation is as follows: [1, 2, 3, 4] Assess appropriateness for clinical condition (pulse present)....
Acquisition and Retention of Resuscitation Knowledge and Skills
Introduction Approximately 209 000 in-hospital adult cardiopulmonary arrests occur each year in the United States.[1] In children,...
Carbon Monoxide Toxicity Updated: Dec 26, 2017
Background Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material. Clinical...
Initial Evaluation and Management of the Burn Patient
Overview Outcomes for burn patients have improved dramatically over the past 20 years, yet burns still cause substantial morbidity and...
Bundle Branch Blocks (Part 1 – Left and Right Bundle Branch Blocks)
A bundle branch block is a disorder in which there is an obstruction in the heart’s electrical conduction system. These can be broadly...
Atrial Flutter
This nice example of atrial flutter offers many teaching opportunities. "Sawtooth" flutter waves are readily visible in Leads II, III,...
The Oxygenator Assessment – Part 2
In Part 1 of ‘The Oxygenator Assessment’ we learnt what the oxygentor is. In Part 2 we are going to look at the 6 big issues that need to...
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Background Since World War I, it has been recognized that some patients with nonthoracic injuries, severe pancreatitis, massive...