Acquisition and Retention of Resuscitation Knowledge and Skills
Introduction Approximately 209 000 in-hospital adult cardiopulmonary arrests occur each year in the United States.[1] In children,...
Supraventricular Tachycardia With Wenckebach Conduction
This ECG was obtained from a patient in a walk-in health clinic. We do not have any other information on the patient. We thank Joe...
Atrial Fib To Cardiac Arrest
A paramedic crew responded to the office of a local physician. A 61-year-old male presented with a one-week history of chest pain and...
The Oxygenator Assessment – Part 2
In Part 1 of ‘The Oxygenator Assessment’ we learnt what the oxygentor is. In Part 2 we are going to look at the 6 big issues that need to...
How Cardiopulse works
There are some different tipes of mechanical chest compression devices, the cardiopulse is one of them. Hear we can see an example of how...