Viral Hepatitis
Background Hepatitis, a general term referring to inflammation of the liver, may result from various causes, both infectious (ie, viral,...
Practice Essentials Anaphylaxis is an acute, potentially fatal, multiorgan system reaction caused by the release of chemical mediators...
Practice Essentials Malaria is a potentially life-threatening parasitic disease caused by infection with Plasmodium protozoa transmitted...
Adenovirus Infection
Background Adenovirus, a DNA virus, was first isolated in the 1950s in adenoid tissue–derived cell cultures, hence the name. These...
Trending Clinical Topic: Hepatitis
A worldwide outbreak of acute, severe hepatitis in children has made headlines recently. This is in part because the precise cause has...
HIV Infection and AIDS
Practice Essentials Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a blood-borne virus typically transmitted via sexual intercourse, shared...
Cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children
Incident Lead Incident Director Health Protection Teams are asked to share this BN with Local Authority Directors of Public Health for...
Public Health Agency statement on acute hepatitis in children
Tuesday, 12 April 2022 The Public Health Agency (PHA) is working with counterparts in other jurisdictions on a UK-wide investigation...
ENCUESTA ALERTA HEPATITIS 13 de abril 2022 (Ministerio de Sanidad)
Introducción El 5 de abril de 2022, el Punto Focal Nacional del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI) para el Reino Unido notificó a...
Aortic Dissection
Summary Aortic dissection (see the image below) is defined as separation of the layers within the aortic wall. Tears in the intimal layer...