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The Art of Breaking Bad News

Breaking bad news is something that every doctor will have to do many times during his or her career. It can be a tremendously difficult job for the doctor involved and is fraught with potential problems. Many experienced clinicians still find this task anxiety inducing and stressful.

Patients are frequently dissatisfied with the way in which they were told about their particular diagnosis and, as difficult as it is for the doctor involved, it is always hardest for the patient that is receiving the news. A good understanding of the communication skills required can make the process much smoother for both the clinician and the patient, and can help to alleviate some of the stress and emotional difficulty involved for both parties involved.

The interpretation of what ‘bad news’ is, is a very personal thing and can vary from a diagnosis of terminal cancer to being told about a less serious but potentially life altering chronic condition such as diabetes or asthma. What exactly ‘bad news’ is, is very much in the eye of the beholder.

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