Interpreting Diagnostic Tests
What are diagnostic tests? A diagnostic test can be defined as ‘any kind of medical test performed to aid in the diagnosis or detection...
Location of a Myocardial Infarction
#MyocardialInfarction #emergencymedicine #Ellearning #ECG #pemergencymedicine #izaskuntfpractical
Best Practices in the Management of Vasodilatory Shock: A Call for Collaboration
Sepsis and Septic Shock: Medical Emergencies! Consider steroids when/if a second vasopressor is required Emergency departments (EDs) try...
The Mamagement of Asthma
#pemergencymedicine #izaskuntfmedical #emergencymedicine #practicalemergencymedicine
Infectious mononucleosis
#Infectiousmononucleosis #practicalemergencymedicine #emergencymedicine #urgentmedicalcare #diagnosis #Infectiousdiseases
The Shoulder Joint
#Anatomy #FERMexamprep #pemergencymedicine #Ellearning #izaskuntfpractical
A 26 year old female presents fever and chills. She is febrile and tachycardia, normal BP. You think you hear a murmur on the exam, and...
21 ocupacional Risks to doctors and nurses, while performing their duties
Doctor save the patient, but save yourself also. Working of a doctor and nurses is not free from risk to themselves. The risk is...
NIPAH VIRUS: Prevention and control of a deadly virus
The National Virology Institute, Pune, confirmed that the contagious fever that has killed several people in Kozhikode and Malappuram...
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
Definition: Acute infection of the ascitic fluid in a patient with liver disease without another source of infection Epidemiology:...