Carbon Monoxide Toxicity Updated: Dec 26, 2017
Background Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material. Clinical...
Initial Evaluation and Management of the Burn Patient
Overview Outcomes for burn patients have improved dramatically over the past 20 years, yet burns still cause substantial morbidity and...
Cyanide Toxicity
Practice Essentials Cyanide toxicity is generally considered to be a rare form of poisoning. However, cyanide exposure occurs relatively...
Aspirin overdose
#pemergencymedicine #practicalemergencymedicine #elearning #Aspirinoverdose #emergencymedicine #izaskuntfpractical
Causes of abdominal pain by area
#practicalemergencymedicine #abdominalpain #elearning #medicine #emergencymedicine #urgentmedicalcare #diagnosis
Análisis biométrico del movimiento cervical y toracolumbar en el trasporte del paciente politraumati
Autor e-mergencista novel Análisis biométrico del movimiento cervical y toracolumbar durante el transporte simulado de trauma por...
#emergencymedicine #Diabetes #urgentmedicalcare #emergency #practicalemergencymedicine #diagnosis
Antibiotic Sensitivity Overview
#practicalemergenccymedicine #emergencymedicine #medicine #antibiotic #overview #izaskuntfpractical
ECG Challenge: Cardiac Arrest In A 41-Year-Old Woman
This series of two ECGs was obtained from a 41-year-old woman who was brought to the Emergency Department and subsequently suffered...
ECG Basics: Accelerated Junctional Rhythm Overriding Normal Sinus Rhythm
This strip shows a junctional rhythm at a rate of 110 beats per minute. The QRS complexes are slightly wide at .10 seconds (100 ms), and...