Astra Zeneca Vaccine Image review
This vaccine is a viral vector vaccine, similar to Johnson and Johnson and SputniK. Mechanism of Action Vaccine is composed of a...

COVID-19 vaccine, viral vector-Janssen
Dosing & Uses ADULT Dosage Forms & Strengths injection, suspension 5x1010 virus particles/0.5mL (5 doses per vial) COVID-19 Disease...

The Approach to the Poisoned Patient
Overview Most toxicologic exposures involve ingestions or localized chemical/biologic exposures involving single individuals with limited...

Critical chest radiogrphs
Tension pneumothorax A tension pneumothorax develops when injury creates a one way valve for the air to enter but not to leave, the...

Hemorrhagic Stroke
Practice Essentials In hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding occurs directly into the brain parenchyma. The usual mechanism is thought to be...

COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA-Pfizer
Dosing & Uses ADULT Dosage Forms & Strengths injection, frozen suspension concentrate 30 mcg/0.3mL (multiple-dose vial) COVID-19 Disease...

History Taking in ED 1. Introduce. Check patient's identity, ask for comfort and pain relief 2. Ensure the patient is safe. Consider...

Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Practice Essentials Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by progressive renal failure that is associated...

Three Stages to COVID-19 Brain Damage, New Review
This is a review of diverse studies froom January to June on Covid 19 and neurological damage.

Septic Shock
Practice Essentials Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction due to dysregulated host response to infection, and organ...